Museum of Broken Relationships Rebrand
The Musem of Broken Relationships is located in Los Angeles and exhibits personal objects from failed relationships of former lovers or family members. Anyone can request to contribute an item and story. My mission was to design an identity for the museum which could be used for branding applications.

For the logo, I illustrated a broken heart which is instantly recognizable. I emphasised the “brokenness” with a visual metaphor of glass shattering. On the banners, I integrated the glass theme and placed focus on museum pieces that elicit strange curiosity. The merchandise was targeted towards a hipster crowd since it is an alternative museum.

Museum of Broken Relationships
The Musem of Broken Relationships is located in Los Angeles and exhibits personal objects from failed relationships of former lovers or family members. Anyone can request to contribute an item and story. My mission was to design an identity for the museum which could be used for branding applications.

For the logo, I decided to illustrate a broken heart which is instantly recognizable. I emphasised the “brokenness” with a visual metaphor of glass shattering. On the banners, I integrated the glass theme and placed focus on museum pieces that elicit strange curiosity. The merchandise was targeted towards a hipster crowd since it is an alternative museum.


Entrance Banner

Hanging Banners
